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T2-weighted scans. Localized prostate cancer (arrow) - gpointer-intense lesion in native T2-scan in the peripheral zone of fildena extra power 150 mg and the pancreas Localized prostate cancer (arrow) - hyperintense lesion in the peripheral zone of the pancreas on T1-scan after contrast enhancement paramagnetic. Localized prostate cancer (arrow) - gpointer-intensive area on the conventional 4-5 hours with diffusion-weighted scanning for Obtaining magnetic resonance spectra from a voxel-tion of the grid superimposed on the image of the pancreas on planar scans Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - radiation research method, including the production of layer-by-layer (tomographic) images of organs and tissues due to the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance.
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When urine leaking into the abdominal cavity of fildena extra power 150 mg and the patient is squatting in this position, the pain decreases, as in the pelvis of the abdomen the peritoneum has less sensitivity to pain.
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